The collection can be browsed online here.
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers (a UK-based umbrella organisation)
Dove's Guide (searchable catalogue of all change-ringing towers)
The Ringing World (a weekly magazine for ringers)
BellBoard (an online listing of ringing performances)
John Taylor & Co (bell founders of Loughborough, UK)
ANZAB's activities and services include:
ANZAB is a gateway to the world-wide community of bellringers and a life-long learning experience.
The source file for this poster has been uploaded to the website and is made available without condition. It is a 48Mb zip file that contains a TIF file that should be suitable for editing in Photoshop CS3 or later (and maybe other image editing packages). The imagery is of sufficient resolution to print to A3 size. You will, of course, need to edit the text and the QR code and URL to suit local requirements.
Click here to download.
The TIF file includes a Color Balance layer that slightly alters the balance of the highlights, decreasing the red and increasing the green in the ringers and the overall background. This was put in to correct a magenta cast when printed. Depending on your choice of paper type and printer settings, you might find that you don't need this adjustment (or you need to alter it).